Holy Yoga Schedule Change

img_20180310_113600798We will have morning classes on Thursday August 8th.  There will be no 6:00 pm class.

We will not have any classes on Monday August 12th.

If you’re not “Yogaing”, you’re missing out!!    Come join us on Monday and Thursdays.     8:45, 10:00 and 6:00.  Upstairs above the Chiropractic office.  We have mats or bring your own.  Donations only.  All levels welcome!


A lot of times life just comes down to plain ‘ole discipline. I’ve never liked that! But just because I don’t like it, it’s no less true.

Bobby Knight says discipline is:

”Doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, doing it the best it can be done and doing it that way every time you do it.”

I like the way this sounds but following through is another matter! For me it’s a mixture of self determination and God’s strength. On my own, I have proven to myself that I cannot remain disciplined. My focus has to be on the Lord’s purposes and His long term desires for my life.

Let’s all be moving forward!


Changes ….

New Years motivated changes (resolutions) are just a part of what most of us consider during the month of January. Unfortunately, we know from statistics and personal experience that hard changes often lose their luster after a few weeks!

So often, we make a quick decision, “Dang it, I’m finally going to give up sugar this year!” or “I’m going to start exercising two hours a day. No really, I mean it this time.” or “I’m going to start memorizing a Bible verse a day!!”

It’s not that we don’t have good intentions or the desire to make the change. It’s often that we just don’t adequately consider what it will take to make that happen.

If you give up sugar do you mean just processed sugar? Will you still eat honey and maple syrup? What will you eat in it’s place? Will you go cold turkey or wean yourself off? What will you do when a bowl of ice cream starts calling your name at midnight?

If you start a new exercise program, where do you fit that into your day? Will you join a gym? What will you do when you’re sore and your legs are spent? Should you buy a treadmill? You don’t even like exercising, how do you change your mind about that?

As far as memorizing scripture, most of us see the benefits of that but what if you’re just not a good memorizer? (I have a hard time memorizing my zip code much less a new verse a day.)

I sure am not saying that we shouldn’t make changes and “improve” ourselves!! It’s just important to “weigh the cost” before we make those resolutions. We want our changes to be liberating and not frustrating because we can’t keep them!

Choose an area of change that you are passionate about, think through the possible obstacles/setbacks and get yourself a “buddy” that will help you when those resolutions become difficult to keep.

We are all moving in some direction. It might as well be forward!!

Here’s to KEPT resolutions!


It’s a Good Month…

to start Holy Yoga!!

If you’ve been thinking about trying Yoga or you’d like to start practicing again, January is the perfect month.

Regular schedule begins again on Monday January 7th.

Monday and Thursdays 8:45 or 10:00 am morning classes. 6:00 pm evening class

Classes in the attic above the Chiropractic office.
Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Donations only

We’d love to have you!

Holy Yoga Info

We will not have Yoga classes the week of Thanksgiving.

The Christmas parade in Ball Ground is a drop off point for Toys for Tots. (Nov 30)

If you would like to participate please bring a new unwrapped toy to class on Monday the 26th or Thursday the 29th. (No class donations those days)

Everyone have a Happy Happy Thanksgiving!